
Ovens are great for baking pastries, cooking meats. Some ovens have built in microwave features to cook food even faster than regular ovens. But remember when using a microwave oven, it cooks the food with the radiation. The new technology ovens are designed to cook the foot up to 5 times faster than traditional oven. New ovens have a multi-rack for baking different kinds pastries. Some ovens have great features to roast meats up to 25% faster. The conventional oven can not do that. There are also oven that can clean up themselves. I beat they will cost much more. Buying a regular oven that fits your need, just to cook healthy foods. I don't think you would choose the new one with a microwave features built in. Don't forget that the radiation spreads out when the devise is on.
So make your choice and get the best that fits you.