How To Easily Reorganize Your Kitchen Step By Step

It is really easy for a kitchen to get disorganized and if we let it go to far it can become a huge job to put together. Read on for a few tips that can help you put things back together and keep your kitchen orderly.

The first thing that you should do is to get a picture in your mind for what should be there and what does not belong so that you can organize what should be there and get rid of what shouldn't be.

Remove everything that you have in your cabinets and clean them. Make sure that when you put everything back into the cabinets in specific categories like plates, bowls, glasses, cups, etc. Not only does this make it easier to find everything but it will help you get around easier in the kitchen.

I know everyone has a junk drawer but it doesn't have to be a huge mess. There is always stuff in that drawer that doesn't need to be there and you need to throw it out. Get small organizational dividers or baskets that you can place miscellaneous items in so that they aren't just floundering around in the drawer.

Another area that is prone to clutter is the pantry. It never ceases to amaze me what you will find in some pantries, including my own. Sometimes we have multiple items of the same condiment just because we have gone to the store and bought more only to find that we already had two unopened jars that we didn't know were there. Separate your shelves into categories so that you have canned goods on one, things like cereal and pasta on another, etc. I also have baskets in my pantry to keep things like gravy mixes, chili mix and so on.

Keep your refrigerator cleaned out on a regular basis. The easiest way to do this is to just clean it out every time you go grocery shopping. If you do it any less often not only are you going to have a fridge full of clutter but you are also going to find things you can't even identify. Make sure you throw the old stuff out and wipe the shelves down to prevent bacteria from forming.

If you don't have a spice rack get one. I love to cook and nothing is more aggravating than looking all over for spices when you are trying to cook. Be sure to keep all of the spices you use on a regular basis at the front of the rack and be sure that everything is labeled clearly.

Keep your counter tops clear of clutter and clean them after every time you cook or use them to prepare anything. If you have items that you don't use on a regular basis find another place to keep them.

If you look around you will find all sorts of things that you can buy to help you organize your kitchen. There are online stores that not only offer everything you could need for your kitchen, but also items that will help you keep it clutter free.

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