UTM Firewall Appliance

"The knowledge of identity can be powerful. I know how much enterprises can gain from Cyberoam’s identity-based security solutions. They get the muscle to have total control on their employee activities in the network. Cyberoam’s identity-based security features hit the limelight recently, when it helped in solving Ahmedabad’s most gory terror blast trail.

An email warning about the terror blasts in Ahmedabad on July 26, 2008, was sent to a TV channel. It was found that the mail was sent from Waghodia Dental Institute in Baroda, Gujarat. As the Institute had installed Cyberoam’s UTM appliance, a team of our engineers immediately came together with the Ahmedabad Police to trace the sender of the email. Unfortunately, the institute had not activated Cyberoam's identity-based security facility, which is patent pending and unique to Cyberoam security appliances. Had they done this, they could have easily identified the sender by his username.

In this case, the Cyberoam team analyzed the network reports and was able to zero in on all the websites that had a similar IP address range as the one traced in the email. The website, abdultaiyeb.com, was thus discovered, which is a web-based proxy service used by terrorists. The reports revealed the institute’s internal lab department was used to send the email."

Article Source: http://www.articles4meandu.com