Seven Essential Ways in Organizing Your Kitchen

There’s this famous saying from Louis Parrish, “If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life”. Well, for some of us, it would take some time to get up and make a move on getting into action with our kitchen. Here are some important tips on how you can organize this important part of your house.

#1.First and foremost, put in mind that you are cleaning the kitchen. This means, do away with all the clutter and piles of stuff that you can find inside that doesn’t have anything to do with what goes on the kitchen. Like for example, sometimes we see stacks of bills and other papers found in the kitchen table or on the counter for that matter. Well, such things could be a hazard since paper is a very combustible material. So better do away with those things. Put away books, clothes, toys and other irrelevant and unimportant things.

Also, if you think that some of the stuffs found in your kitchen aren’t that needed, you can also opt to put them away for awhile and just bring them back out when you need to use it again.

#2. If you are fond of using many and different kinds of electric kitchen appliances, bear in mind that you have to keep the wirings, sockets and outlets in tack and in good condition. The last thing we would want to happen is to get electrocuted due to some faulty wiring conditions. Always keep those appliances clean and away from wet and moist places.

#3. Make use of your cup holders and other places of utensil storage. These places are good in keeping your utensils safe and clean. Also, it’s a great way to show off your favorite cups and mugs.

#4. An organized kitchen is clean and odorless. When sanitizing, avoid mixing many chemicals and different cleaning solutions. Doing so may hurt the surfaces of your cabinets and kitchen walls. Also, the fumes from mixing the solutions are hazardous to your health. Stick to one cleaning solution and don’t forget to wear protective gear. Not only will your health be protected, but your kitchen may be preserved as well.

#5. Before going out to do some groceries, make sure to clean out and organize your refrigerator first. Doing so makes it easier for you to arrange it later. I guess it’s better to have them arranged neatly than have them shoved everything in.

#6. Clean the area from the inside out. When planning on to clean your kitchen, start off first with your cupboards, under your kitchen sink, refrigerator and other cabinets. Then, after clearing it all up, you can then move on to clean the surroundings and easy to reach places. This would give you a more efficient way of doing such a daunting task.

# 7. Lastly, remember that the motto of the kitchen is clean as you go. Wiping off a little spill or washing the dishes and pans while waiting for the food to get cooked would surely save you a lot of time in cleaning afterwards. Not only will you have ample time to spend with your family and friends after eating, but you will also have the great and exciting feel to cook as there is now a cleaner and more inspiring atmosphere of a fresh kitchen.

That’s it. Those are the seven simple ways to get your kitchen organized and clean. Although, if I may admit, most of the things here are somewhat obvious to us. We just need a little reminder and somehow a little push to clean our kitchen.
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